The Rising Trend: Acceptance of Plastic Surgery in Korea

South Korea, often referred to as the plastic surgery capital of the world, has seen a significant rise in the acceptance of plastic surgery over the past few decades. This trend is not only driven by the desire to enhance physical appearance but also by societal pressures and the influence of pop culture. Let’s delve deeper into the factors contributing to this rising trend and its implications.

Why is Plastic Surgery Becoming More Acceptable in Korea?

There are several reasons why plastic surgery is becoming more acceptable in Korea. One of the main reasons is the influence of Korean pop culture, also known as K-pop. Many K-pop idols have openly admitted to having undergone plastic surgery, which has helped to normalize the procedure. Additionally, societal pressures and the desire to conform to certain beauty standards also play a significant role.

According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the most popular types of plastic surgery in Korea are double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, and jawline surgery. Double eyelid surgery, which creates a crease in the eyelid that many Asians do not naturally have, is the most common procedure. Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping, and jawline surgery, which gives the face a more V-shaped look, are also popular.

What is the Societal Perception of Plastic Surgery in Korea?

While plastic surgery is becoming more acceptable in Korea, it is not without its controversies. Some people believe that it promotes unrealistic beauty standards and can lead to mental health issues such as body dysmorphia. However, others argue that it is a personal choice and can boost self-esteem and confidence.

What are the Implications of this Rising Trend?

The rising acceptance of plastic surgery in Korea has several implications. On one hand, it has led to a boom in the plastic surgery industry, contributing significantly to the country’s economy. On the other hand, it has raised concerns about the mental health of individuals who feel pressured to undergo these procedures to fit in or feel accepted.


In conclusion, the acceptance of plastic surgery in Korea is a complex issue with many contributing factors. While it is becoming more widely accepted, it is important to consider the potential implications on individuals’ mental health and societal perceptions of beauty. As this trend continues to rise, it will be interesting to see how it evolves and what impact it will have on Korean society in the future.